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Buying Guide




When you purchase the company's products, please pay attention to the packaging of goods "Tianjin Wanrong chemical industrial holding company management, production of 303 chemical building materials Co., Ltd. of Tianjin city, and" 303 "trademark. In particular, in the purchase of putty, putty powder, the product packaging printed with:

  • 1 point laser marking genuine signs. Such as the production date, product line number or not repeat this flag is fake.
    2. National patent approved the use statement. As follows: packaging patent number: XXXXXXXXXXXX.X counterfeiting, such as imitation will be subject to legal liability.





甘洛县| 涿州市| 大荔县| 宽城| 舒兰市| 韩城市| 印江| 湖南省| 铁岭市| 新干县| 武隆县| 方城县| 治县。| 嵩明县| 抚宁县| 三门峡市| 高碑店市| 界首市| 合阳县| 崇礼县| 陈巴尔虎旗| 罗江县| 秦皇岛市| 美姑县| 区。| 浑源县| 藁城市| 通海县| 云安县| 潢川县| 乌苏市| 江油市| 龙南县| 曲松县| 惠来县| 徐州市| 兰考县| 翼城县| 咸阳市| 达州市| 当雄县|